Fred Carpenter of Cape Cod Cutlery

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Cape Cod Cutlery is a homegrown Cape Cod business and is made up of two guys making knives in their garage. We specialize in producing the finest in nautical, historic and modern knives as well as  kitchen cutlery. Each of our knives is individually handmade, making them unique works of art as well as functional tools.

Fred Carpenter is a Yankee by birth with roots in the south. Some of the woods we use for handles come from the family farm in Mississippi. Starting in restaurant work at 15, he has done just about every job in a restaurant. Over the years he has had many jobs in animal husbandry, massage therapy and most recently soap making at Summer House Soaps of Hyannis. Fred loves to be a maker. About 15 years ago he became interested in blacksmithing and metal work and has been tinkering ever since. Fred has been involved in Medieval Combat in the Society of Creative Anachronisms since 1991.

Thomas Davenport is a Fall River native of Portuguese descent. Raised in his grandmother’s restaurant and bakery, he developed knife skills at an early age.  His father was an avid hunter and grandfather a fisherman so he grew up catching and processing game as a child .  He got his first taste of metal work as a grinder and welder at the shipyard in Newport building warships for the Navy. Later in life he became a butcher and USDA Meat Inspector and has taken more then a few animals from field to plate.  His passion for food continues through catering banquets for 50-80 people. His desire for a personal knife started his journey into knife making 4 years ago and here we are. Thomas has been involved in Medieval Combat in the Society of Creative Anachronisms since 1997.

Featured Product


8 inch Chef Knife

Our most popular seller, the 8 inch chef knife is made from 1095 high carbon steel, known for its sharpness and ability to keep an edge. This size chef knife is the most versatile and commonly used knife size by home chefs and professionals alike. It handles meats and vegetables with equal ease. Please email us at to ask about specialty woods for handles or other materials.


You can see the Artisan on our Online Craft Fair live stream here: